Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Handling The Heartbleed Internet Bug


Your favorite web sites may have the Heartbleed bug, which is like a computer virus. It lets criminals steal vital information like passwords and your credit card numbers.  It does not affect all sites, but you probably use some of them. Many web sites are safe from this problem at the moment, but your current password should be changed to stay secret.  

For your personal web sites like email, please give each a new password.  Write down the site name and password and keep them in a safe place. Do not re-use an old password; with this bug, it’s not safe if you ever used that password before!  Also, you should have a different password for each web site.  Again, please write down your passwords and keep them hidden and safe in your house.  We all know how hard it is to remember things without writing them down!

Understanding about Epilepsy

Staff and Denbigh House Members,

We have great speaker coming out today to visit The Denbigh House. We have Patty Hood of The Epilepsy Foundation to discuss seizures.  It is a great afternoon meeting for a rainy day!

Something also I found out is that Patty is starting a new epilepsy support group. The first meeting is on Saturday, May 3, from 2 to 3 p.m. at Tabb Library, 100 Long Green Blvd., Yorktown.

Friday, April 25, 2014

DARS Presentation

By: Sandra B.
On April 24, 2014 Alex Watson and I went and gave power point presentations to DARS. Alex talked about the different types of brain injuries and the Denbigh House. I talk about my personal journey witch entailed my beginning to now. The presentations were well received, because the staff  there asked us a lot of questions. One of the questions was can anyone attend the support groups held at the Denbigh House. I was even asked what school my children go to. We were there for an hour.       

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Farewell to Our Interns

By Richard D.

Our devoted interns, Alexis, Sarah and Katelyn are leaving The Denbigh House after several months of excellent service to the members and staff of TDH.

All three are students at Christopher Newport University and will soon be graduating. Alexis and Sarah are Social Work majors and will be working in the Public Health field.

Katelyn will be going on to graduate school at Loyola University for her Masters in Neuroscience and hopes to find employment working with vets with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD as it is referred to.

Sarah will spend part of her summer working at St. Andrew’s school and as a nanny and then take a trip across the United States, hitting all of the National Parks. She will then attempt to find a job in social work and perhaps go to grad school later.

Alexis had been accepted at VCU and will be beginning there in May for her Masters in Social Work.

Alexis and Sarah came to The Denbigh House in August of 2013 while Katelyn came to us this past January and say that they have all enjoyed working here. They liked the community spirit and dedication displayed by the membership as they watched them undertake tasks that, before becoming Denbigh House members, would have seemed to be out of the question.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Geoffrey's Joke of the Day

If anyone watches Star Trek the riddle is about Spock.

How many ears does he have?  Well if you think 2 my friend, you are wrong.  He has 3.  The right ear, the left ear and the final front-ear!  Get it?