Friday, July 25, 2014

Teaching After Brain Injury

By: Barry F.

I am writing this article to highlight difference in my work abilities after a brain injury. First, I noticed that I was unable to use organizational logic as well. For example, I currently teach guitar lessons on the intermediate level, because I can't teach advanced lessons which require more in depth organization and research. However, I can compose music for piano & guitar but I am unable to write tablature. This deficit creates a benefit. I can improvise readily  and the music flow is more spontaneous and original. Thus, my music is actually better. I have noticed that I have long sessions where music flows out of me. The only way I can remember the music is by recording it and patching it together to make a complete melody.

Also, I compose the same way to guitar. I can read music but I can't write it in tablature without assistance from a qualified teacher. I think I have improved my ability to understand less complicated pieces from taking piano lessons. In conclusion, I plan to continue taking piano lessons which will over time, enable me to understand and compose advanced tablature compositions. I am looking forward to writing out my original songs.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Denbigh House Social….Thursday July 17 By JOE K

Six of The Denbigh House staff and members Alex, Jessica, Kelvin, Stephan, Korey, and I had lunch @ the Red Robin Restaurant. We had pre-ordered our food so we had time to go to a movie afterwards at the Kiln Creek Cinema @ Kiln Creek. We saw Malificent with Angelina Jolie. The movie was an adaptation of the fairytale Sleeping Beauty. Jessica commented on the movie, ”I liked it. An interesting twist on an old fairytale that was captivating to me.” Stephen remarked “It wasn’t scary.” A good time had by all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Epilepsy and The Vagus Nerve Stimulator

By Geoffrey B.

Hello Friends and Family!  I am here to chat to you about The Vagus Nerve Stimulator and what it does.  First off, I have the VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator) implanted in me in 2000 because I had uncontrollable seizures and a group of doctor's called Cyberonic, INC. said it might work better.

The VNS or Vagus Nerve Stimulator is like a pacemaker but sends electricity to the nerve.  There are different types of stimulators but they all are about the size of silver dollar.  It will take surgery and the stimulator will be placed under the skin in the upper part of the chest.  The doctor will have to cut a small part of the neck and run it under the skin and find a vagus nerve.  A hand-held magnet comes with the Vagus Nerve Stimulator.  The magnet is so strong it can stop a seizure or reduce the seizures tremendously.  Now with the magnet, you have to swipe across the chest where the generator is. After you swipe the magnet across the chest, your voice will get horse meaning your voice will get weak because the electricity is going through the Vagus Nerve Stimulator.  If you want the whole story about Epilepsy and The Vagus Nerve Stimulator, go to WebMD and click on VNS.
Here is a picture of the Vagus Nerve Stimulator:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Seizures & Photosensitive Epilepsy

By Geoffrey B.

Hello everyone at The Denbigh House! Let me tell you about some people who have photosensitive epilepsy and just to let you know,  I am one of them. I love watching the fireworks on the fourth of July. It is always a bummer though, I always have to close my eyes because I don't want to trigger on a seizure because of the colors and the rapid fireworks that can cause seizures! I found some more information about Photosensitive Epilepsy on WebMD that I did not even know about. So if  you want to whole scoop click on information.  



How was Your Forth?

By: Barry F.

I am writing this blog about the members and staff at the Denbigh House in Newport News VA.  My first candidate was Jessica.  She went to Yorktown beach to watch the fireworks with her family.  She watched fireworks and ate funnel cakes.  She had a good time while she was there.  I also went to Yorktown beach with my fiancĂ©.  We watched fireworks ate ice cream at Ben and Jerry’s and went to the Yorktown Pub for coffee.  I had a fantastic time!  Shasmin said she went to a friend’s house and watched movies.  She missed the fireworks but she had a good time.  Finally, Kristina went to a friend’s house and grilled out, played games and watched a movie.  She had a lot of fun.  So it sounds like everyone had a good forth with family and friends.  See ya’all next year!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

May-2014 Member of the Month

By, Will R.

We are very pleased to announce the May Member of the Month as Greg D. Greg has been a member of The Denbigh House for six (6) months. He works in The Kitchen Maintenance Unit, but often you will find him also working in The Communications Unit as well. He says that he "loves" both units.

Greg tells me that he believes that he received the award because of his ability to listen and he tells me that he always tries to be fair and share other people's concerns. He is grateful to have gotten a plaque and also a lunch pass which he says he can really use. He says it gave him a good feeling to be appreciated by his family at home and also his "Denbigh House Family.

He further states the receiving Member of Month holds great meaning for him. He says that he is happy, he feels good and that he is very glad to have become a member and be close to people that have so much in common with him. He looks forward to the time when he can once again play the guitar. He can't wait to listen to the Beatles, play jazz and jam to rock and roll.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The World Cup and TBI

By Geoffrey B.

Hello sports fans!  If you have been watching the World Cup, that is great! If they keep butting their heads though they might be coming to join The Denbigh House real soon because of the concussions!  There are more and more player's getting hit on the head and it is effecting their brain.  Some of the soccer balls are going 50 miles per hour.  So when one of the soccer player's head butts a ball 30 or more times there will be mild brain changes and memory impairment.  Now with a concussion, it is even worse.  During their career, the player's go through EEG's, CAT Scans and MRI's the doctor's see minor physical changes.  When the player's career is over and see the doctor's again, the athletes have trauma and memory malfunctions from getting hit from all the soccer balls.  It is a good time to talk about this so if you need more information click on concussions. Thank you!