Thursday, September 17, 2015

New Member: Shawn Grayson

By: Shasmin Asbury

We would like to welcome a new member to The Denbigh House. Our newest member is Shawn Grayson and he is a twenty-three year old male who was born in Jefferson Parrish, Louisiana. Shawn’s hobbies include embroidery, fishing, and gardening. He is not really sure of his favorite color, but he said, “I do like red a lot.” His favorite food is rabbit. Shawn told us that he likes to play sports, but doesn’t care for watching them too much, but his favorite sports team is the Saints. He was then asked about the type of music he likes and he replied, ”A little bit of everything, but if I had to pick, I’d say country”. Shawn likes to watch educational television, so, that says he likes to learn about different topics. Shawn was asked who inspires or motivates him the most and he replied his dad does.
Before Shawn’s injury, he repaired woodwork for people and did small construction jobs. Shawn received his brain injury from being hit in the head by another human being. In ten years, Shawn said that he sees himself working a normal job and life, one that works a regular nine to five job, not living on social security. He decided to become a member of The Denbigh House because of his loss of memory and to relearn simple tasks. In his free time, Shawn studies for his GED, so he can pass it. The way his brain injury has changed his life by getting away from his “ex” and he is now living with his family again.

Again Shawn Grayson, welcome to The Denbigh House!


We would like to welcome back Joe K!  Joe was out from the clubhouse due to medical reasons.  At the end of July, Joe had open heart surgery, where doctors went in to replace a torn valve.  He says,” they basically gave me an oil change”.
Joe had to be hospitalized for about 3 weeks.  He stated that he  remembers feeling his heart flutter, but he thought it was from eating, but what was happening at that time was an aneurysm.  An aneurysm occurs when part of a blood vessel, or artery, or cardiac chamber swells and the blood vessel is either damaged or weakened in the wall of the blood vessel.
Joe remembers the pain that followed the surgery, but feels like the surgery was, “life-saving” and he feels “lucky”!   He was recommended by his doctor to attend cardiac rehab three times per week.
We are glad to have Joe back and we wish him well in his recovery.

                                                               By:  Kelvin 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Diazepam Intensol

Diazepam Intensol

                                                                                              By Geoffrey B.

Hello everyone!  I want to talk to you about my Diazepam Intensol.  This medication is used for many types of conditions.  To some, it is used for muscle spasms, tremors and hallucinations.  I use the Diazepam for the four seizures that I have.  So after I have a seizure and I take the Diazepam, the chemicals in the brain help reduce the seizure activity in the brain.  You can take the Diazepam in two different ways.  One way is in a pill form by mouth with semi solid food and the other way by liquid form.  I have the Diazepam is in liquid form.  Just to let you know, if you have it in liquid form, do not drink the Diazepam raw, with water, milk or any type of sodas.  The reason is because after you have drunk some of the Diazepam, everything you drink will taste like you are drinking dirt! The two drinks that can ease off the taste of the diazepam are grape juice or cranberry juice.   

There are some common side effects of the Diazepam Intensol.  There is incoordination of the body, muscle weakness, tiredness and drowsiness.  After I take the diazepam, in about 30 minutes, I have to lie myself down for about 2 to 3 hours because I am very drowsy.  So that is the story of my Diazepam Intensol.   If you want more information about Diazepam Intensol click on Thank You!

Friday, September 4, 2015

We welcome to The Denbigh House, one of our new Interns, Courtney Hanna.

Blog entry: Courtney Hanna, Intern

We welcome to The Denbigh House, one of our new Interns, Courtney Hanna. 

Courtney is from Culpepper, Va. And a senior at Christopher Newport University (CNU) studying for a degree in social work. She started her internship August 25th, and will finish on April 2016.  She will assist in the Communications Unit on Tuesdays and in the Kitchen Maintenance Unit on Thursdays.  She has a wide base knowledge of Brain Injury and TBI’s and would like to learn the different effects it has on these individuals lives.

She learned of this program through her professors at CNU.

Her hobbies are: Hiking, Snowboarding in the winter, and socializing with friends and family.

The thing that she would like us to know about her is that she is very shy, which is something we can help her with.

When she graduates her plans are in the works to find a job that will make her happy. 

We, at The Denbigh House, extend a warm welcome to “COURTNEY”