Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Our New Intern, Breeze

By Richard D.

Our New intern, Breeze, will be working on Mondays, here at The Denbigh House, with the Communications Unit.  

I interviewed her on Monday, June 02, 2014 in the afternoon and it was a delightful exchange. I can see that Breeze is cut out for her chosen profession of being an occupational therapy assistant.

Breeze is currently enrolled at Tidewater Community College studying to be an OT assistant and from the connection we made in my inter- view, I would venture to say that once she begins, she will become a competent and dedicated member of any therapy team that she winds up working for.

Breeze delights in boogie boarding and enjoys all beach activities in general and studies HGTV to add to her Arts and Crafts knowledge. She enjoys cooking and trying out new recipes on her husband.

Breeze enjoys working first hand with her patients, likes to be “one of the gang” and I am sure she will be well accepted by all those that she finds herself working with.

Breeze enjoys all types of comedy, especially the Simpsons and in the brief exchange that we had, I could tell that she has a good since humor herself and that is an important asset for any occupational therapist.   

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