Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Story Of Patrick Henry

By Geoffrey B..

Patrick Henry was born on May 29, 1736.  He was a American Attorney and was married to Sarah Shelton.  In his career, he was a planter and by June 1st, 1779 he died.  Now we have a mall named after him called The Patrick Henry Mall.  The Denbigh House loves going to The Patrick Henry Mall because in March, it is Disability Awareness Month.  In 1987, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed it for that month.  He said, "Upon Americans to provide the "encouragement and opportunities" necessary for people with developmental disabilities for to reach their highest potential."

The Denbigh House comes out to The Patrick Henry Mall on Disability Awareness Month because it shows that just because we have a disability that does not mean we can't dance, sing or do anything that a normal person without a disability can do.  Like I said a 1000 times over and over again.  Never underestimate the power of a person with a disability. If you the whole story about Disabilities Awareness Month click on research! Thank you!

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