Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Denbigh House Fall Picnic Review

Greg.jpg by Barry F.

April.jpgSeptember 26th was our member picnic and live music session. The picnic was held at Newport News Park in Newport News VA.  Several members attended and enjoyed the food and the fun.  The menu included: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Cole Slaw, Pico de gallo, Baked Beans, and Deviled Eggs, with Cake and Cookies for desert.   The highlight of the afternoon was the live music session.  Stephen T. Deborah D. and  Jeff R. entertained us with singing and dancing.  Joe K. Greg D. and myself played guitar and sang.  Many members and guests took photos that will be in our next Newsletter.   In conclusion, everyone had a good time and they are looking forward to our next picnic in 2015.  I got to know some new members and renewed ties with some old friends.  On a whole, I would say that the picnic was a pleasant diversion from the daily grind.  I too am looking forward to next year.  I hope to see all my friends again in good health and good appetite.
April enjoying a burger!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Dear Supporters,
We at Community Brain Injuries Services thank you for your Amazing Raise contribution. It is helpful to our services, and it was nice of you to do it. You have helped us to raise over $3000.00! Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Stephen  T

Friday, September 19, 2014

One Big Step Forward through Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center

By Triena B.
I went to the Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center from March 20-August 20, 2014. The school is in Fishersville, VA.  At first, I was scared. I became very close& dependent on my family after my accident. Being away from them and being an independent adult took some getting used to. But, I stayed at the school and finished the Business Program that I signed up for.

DSCF0005.JPGI finished the school term with my Customer Service Certificate and a Customer Readiness Certificate.  On September 26th of this year I will go back to WWRC to participate in the graduation ceremony. The school offers a lot of programs to participate in. Their vision is to be a Community of Service Excellence in Vocational and Medical Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities. Their mission is to provide people with disabilities comprehensive, individualized services to realize personal independence through employment.  

I studied business.  I learned Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel and Publisher. I thought I had learned all there was to learn about these computer programs, however, I learned what a major impact my accident had on my memory.  I was glad to learn these programs all over again.

The only thing I felt was a negative about this situation is that we had to live in a dorm. It was just like college, however my roommate and I were so totally different, it didn’t work. After three weeks of complaints, I was moved to another room by myself.  The new roommate that this girl got also had complaints about her. This made me know that the issues I had with this person was not all in my mind. She was just not a person that was easy to get along with.

This experience at WWRC will help me to pursue any goals I set for myself in the future. I learned the new aspects of four computer systems, I learned what it takes to live on my own after a traumatic brain injury, and I learned how to handle myself around other people with disabilities. I learned that just because you are different, doesn’t mean you are less of a person.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Best Experience I've Had Since My Brain Injury

by Matthew S.

I received my traumatic brain injury August 2006. Since then I lost the job I had at Kelly's Tavern as a cook and a job at T. J. Maxx as a shipping receiver. I started attending the Denbigh House in November 2012. I started applying for jobs over the internet and brushing up on my everyday living skills. It took a whole year after I put my application in to Manpower to get a job at Lipton/Unilever of Suffolk, Virginia.

My experience getting a job with Manpower at Unilever is probably the best thing I have done since my injury in2006. There were some challenges that I had to overcome. Being aware of the time is one of the challenges that I had to face. You have to be on time for your break so your co-workers can take their breaks. Another challenge knows the danger of machines that you are working on can cause. Another challenge is work is not a social place to talk and goof off all the time. There is a time and place for fun and games and work is not the place.

There are some pros to going back to work. One of the best things about going back to work is the money you make. No more asking to borrow money. Having your own job makes you independent. You no longer really have to count on someone else for your financial problems. One of the greatest positives that have come from me going back to work is having something to do with my time. "Idle hands do the devils work," they say which is so true.

In the future I hope to get hired by Lipton. As of right now I just work for a contractor who does work for Lipton. I hope to become a forklift driver for the company.

Know a Member: 20 Interesting Facts about Susan W.

  1. I am a creative person.
  2. I like cats.
  3. I am a smoker.
  4. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture.
  5. I drink caffeine free Diet Cokes A LOT!!!
  6. I have a loving and close family.
  7. I still "hang out" with High School friends.
  8. I have epilepsy.
  9. I enjoy Rock-N-Roll music from the 60's, 70's, and 80's.
  10. I am a single, middle aged woman.
  11. I watch Law & Order on TV a lot.
  12. I also have a degree in Graphic Arts.
  13. I enjoy black & white photography and when possible would like to get into a darkroom.
  14. I like to swim and used to be a lifeguard.
  15. My memory is bad, especially my short term memory.
  16. I enjoy nice weather (i.e., 70's, not rainy or cloudy with a little bit of breeze).
  17. I do believe that I am an easy person to talk to and get along with.
  18. I like to play Backgammon.
  19. I really like seafood, especially fish.
  20. I also enjoy art and going to look at art.

Introducing Our New "Know a Member!" Blog Series...

by Richard Dodge
We are excited to introduce our new blog series called "Know a Member." The members will be given the task of submitting 20 things about themselves. Those things will be used to create a blog each week to help you get a better understanding of the membership at The Denbigh House. That way, all of you folks out there who might happen to read our blog, can get a better idea of the diversity of individuals who make up the membership here at TDH. Hope you enjoy!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Members Strengths

By Geoffrey B.

Hello DH Members! The QA Committee made up a list of strengths and talents of all the members of The Denbigh House. Korey's strength is computers. Will's is photography. Stephen is art. Debra's is dancing cause she is my dancing partner. Kelvin loves to sing and likes to do art.  Our dear member Greg likes music, computers and guitars. Now we have Richard D. He likes writing and painting. Moving along, we have Roosevelt. He likes hunting, fishing and painting.  Shasmin likes  communication.  Our next member John O', who we call Jeb, he likes solving math problems, dealing with computer software and hardware, keeping his steps in order and enjoys dancing.  Now we have our member Cary. She likes swimming, painting, and art. Just like the last member, Sandy, she enjoys swimming too. Two more to go! Geoffrey enjoys bowling and computers and lastly we have Triena, she is a people-person and enjoys talking to people. Why do we find out the members strength and talents? Simple. Learning about them and also knowing that two heads are better than one, 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NFL has strict rules to limit head injuries/BRAIN damage



One of the new rules applies to all players in every position - A player many not launch himself off the ground to use his helmet to strike a player in a defenseless posture in the head or neck.  The old rule only applied to receivers getting hit.

“In the past, defensive players were allowed to hit receivers in the head once the receiver touched both feet on the ground.  Now, the officials will give the receiver more time to get into a defensive posture before the tackler is allowed to strike him.”(NFL.com New NFL Rules, 2012)

Also, now “when a player loses his helmet, the play is immediately whistled dead.  Further, during a field goal attempt, the defense cannot position a player directly across from the snapper, who's considered to be in a defenseless position.”( NFL.com New NFL Rules, 2012)

Now, when a player has suffered a concussion, they must consult with an independent neurologist before they may return to play.  

In summary, the NFL referees will penalize and/or fine a team/player more severely when a player hurts another player(s) who are in vulnerable positions because there is a real serious concern about the damage to the body that is done from big hits and what happens to the BRAIN.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


On your mark...get set....please go support Community
Brain Injury Services in the Amazing Raise, 6am September 17- 6pm September 18, because more than $150,00 in grants are up for giving.  Of course any amount donated is graciously appreciated, but only $50.00 or more made to Community Brain Injury Services gives us the chance to win grants and prizes from Give Richmond & The Community Foundation.  All may participate by logging in at www.communitybraininjury.org  Any technical assistance or questions may be handled by contacting Claire Yarborough at 804-261-7050.

Thank you for your continued support to help reach the goal of $6,000.  Just go to the site, then click the link to make a donation through Give Richmond during the Amazing Raise.  Last year 55 donors raised nearly $4,500, so on your mark, get set.....

                                                                                   Thank You,
                                                                                    D. Jones

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Welcome our new Intern

Heather Larkins goes to VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University), and she is studying her Masters in Social Work. She started today, and she will be with our team until May 1, 2015. She works in the KMU (Kitchen Maintaintanance Unit. She doesn’t know much about issues relating to brain injuries, but is willing to learn. She hopes to learn how T.B.I survivors learn to overcome their injuries. She likes watching her son playing football and being happy. She also loves people, loves to learn, and is getting ready to graduate in May 2016. Heather lives in Newport News, Virginia with her family. Let’s give Heather a hearty welcome!