Thursday, September 18, 2014

Best Experience I've Had Since My Brain Injury

by Matthew S.

I received my traumatic brain injury August 2006. Since then I lost the job I had at Kelly's Tavern as a cook and a job at T. J. Maxx as a shipping receiver. I started attending the Denbigh House in November 2012. I started applying for jobs over the internet and brushing up on my everyday living skills. It took a whole year after I put my application in to Manpower to get a job at Lipton/Unilever of Suffolk, Virginia.

My experience getting a job with Manpower at Unilever is probably the best thing I have done since my injury in2006. There were some challenges that I had to overcome. Being aware of the time is one of the challenges that I had to face. You have to be on time for your break so your co-workers can take their breaks. Another challenge knows the danger of machines that you are working on can cause. Another challenge is work is not a social place to talk and goof off all the time. There is a time and place for fun and games and work is not the place.

There are some pros to going back to work. One of the best things about going back to work is the money you make. No more asking to borrow money. Having your own job makes you independent. You no longer really have to count on someone else for your financial problems. One of the greatest positives that have come from me going back to work is having something to do with my time. "Idle hands do the devils work," they say which is so true.

In the future I hope to get hired by Lipton. As of right now I just work for a contractor who does work for Lipton. I hope to become a forklift driver for the company.

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