Thursday, December 4, 2014

20 Interesting Facts about Will R.

1.       I am sometimes happy. I am glad to be alive and making progress.

2.       I am sometimes sad. At times, I feel that my progress is much to slow and severely affected by no memory.

3.       I search always to find the man I am. He is still inside of me.

4.       I love my daughter. She will always be the best part of me.

5.       I worship God. God keeps me in a secure place. He has never left me alone.

6.       I want to ride a bike to the top of a big hill much like Penn Street Hill when I was a young man. I would love to ride down like we used to do, jutting on the brakes as we neared the bottom and skidding until we stopped just before running into Peoples Baptist Church.

7.       Some people think that I am distant. I have some “issues” since I woke up. This is probably because I am no sure at times how accurate my memories of people are

8.       I’m glad to be in relatively good health. I am not 31, or 41, or 51 anymore, but I have a good measure of Spiritual and Physical health.

9.       I’ve had a good life. Considering all that has occurred in these last years when I look around. I have a lot to be thankful for, I am blessed. What I miss the most I do not fully remember. I think that I punish myself for having resided as a small, faded part of my memory and no loving, zealous part of my current life.

10.   I try to think positive it feels a lot better to me than thinking negatively.

11.   I wish that I could sing like my friend Luther Vandross used to sing.

12.   It is a good feeling to laugh loudly until tears roll down my face.

13.   I want to continually learn more about the world around me, what is good and honest and kind.

14.   Children are to me more valuable to me. I want to be a part that helps them strive to be more. I want to be to them as the man who taught me what taxidermy was years ago when I was a child.

15.   Simple things such as driving are pleasurable to me. It gives me a great measure of freedom.

16.   Technology and science has come a long way since my mother and father have passed on. It is good to know that more people are living now with their illnesses.

17.   I am enjoying the fall weather. The opportunity to take pictures of fall foliage with my friend Richard J. is great.

18.   Seeing others makes me thankful that I am getting better. Some are progressing very fast while others are moving very slowly. The fact is that we are all moving at our own pace.

19.   I have a new 7 month old kitten named, Sherbert”. He ran all around my condo last night playing with a catnip filled mouse. He kept me awake but he is my new “friend”.

20.   I’m getting to the point where I am not afraid to cook on the stove again. Ahh, smoked something coming up!

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