Tuesday, October 20, 2015

New Staff: Beth

 By: Geoffrey B.

Hello DH members and staff!  I would like to introduce to you our new  MSW Intern, Beth!  Her favorite hobbies are being with family, riding her bicycle when she goes to the park and exploring her genealogy.  She attended school in New York and studied Human & Community Services and received a Bachelor degree.  She is now at VCU working on her masters in social work.  In a few years, Beth will be living back in Iowa and working with the Military Veterans and Active Duty.  On her free time she likes to read mysteries and romance novels. The thing that Beth known’s about brain injuries is that it affects a person totally.  The outcomes are different for each person.  They can happen in so many different ways, both very traumatic and not so traumatic.  Now, what Beth is trying to accomplish here at The Denbigh House is to learn more about brain injury.  Some of her favorite TV shows are the Discovery channel because they have all of the mystery shows.  Lastly, there was one thing that everybody wishes to know about Beth, is that Family is the MOST IMPORTANT thing my life!

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