Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Will’s (Almost Healed) Leg

Two months ago, on September 11th, Will got up at 2 am for a drink of water.  However, he did not see the work out machine in the dark and accidentally broke his leg left.  Will said he is glad that he broke his leg and not his head!

Will was in a regular cast for two months, then a soft cast, then a special soft boot cast.  The doctors told him to sit still for two weeks; he watched TV, and played with his cat at home.

Will said his missed riding his bike, but “it’s easy to follow orders when it keeps you from hurting.”  He “definitely” recommended the soft boot cast; it’s removable for showering and so much easier. Also the bottom is thick and easy to walk on, even through water.

By Kelvin and JEB

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