Friday, January 16, 2015

Growing up with a brain injury

Growing Up With A Brain Injury

By: Sandra B.



When I was two days old, doctors discovered that I had right cerebral hematoma (bleeding in the brain). This caused me to have a lot of physical challenges as well as learning disabilities. I started physical therapy when I was two and a half years of age. I finally learned how to walk before my fourth birthday. I started speech and occupational therapy when I was five. It was hard watching other children doing things that I could not do like roller skating and riding a bike without training wheels. Kids and some adults would make fun of me because I was slower at doing things and I wore special shoes. I was called names. My mother gave me one piece of advice that still helps me today. She said,” people that make fun of you are the ones with the problems not you.” My parents kept encouraging me to do my best. I graduated from high school with a high school diploma and went on to complete an associate degree in early childhood education and started working in fast food industry.  I was hit by a car in spring of 1994, but that was a minor setback compared to what I already been though. Since then I have gotten married and had two children. Today I am a single parent dealing with two teenagers and living on my own. I work as a bus aide on special needs school buses. I hope I can empower other children with special needs to succeed even though they may wish that they were born without a brain injury.   



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