Thursday, August 7, 2014

Advocating Tips By: Debra Jones

While at the Denbigh House on Thursday, I read Issue Spot 7 February 2013, Tips on Advocacy.  The article states advocates are as diverse as the issues and groups they represent.  However a good advocate has:

               -subject matter expertise


                -good communication skills

                 -good judgment


Further it stated advocates should also be clear, concise, truthful and compelling.  We should develop trust with our listeners and honestly say how their vote would impact us.   Remember, that we are presenting one side, and there are two sides to every story.    Find out the legalities about the proposed bill and find out what else is going on in the Senate.  Be patient and do the right things at the right time.

Please don’t play the name game.  Sometimes it’s not who you know but what you know.   Maintain an honest relationship; although the issues may be top priority to you it may not be to the legislature.   Yet, ask for their support, because if your bill doesn’t pass the first time it’s filed in the legislature, just be gracious, say thank you and wait for the next opportunity.


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