Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Do it yourself Christmas bash

by: Barry F.
It is our custom at the Denbigh House to do Christmas with a flair. Therefore, this year we are having a twist on our regular Christmas potluck. We are starting a desserts and do it yourself session. We will have snacks and desserts along with crafts activities. Therefore, we won’t be so busy stuffing our faces to do anything else. Some fun suggestions are: an ugly sweater contest, making Christmas ornaments and other crafty projects. Please join us on December 18th from 12 to 3pm at the Denbigh House at 12752 McManus Boulevard suite 2E Newport News, VA 23602 ph (757) 833-7845. I hope to see you there.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

20 Interesting Facts about Debra J.

1.       I love to hear saxophone as pain management.

2.       I purchased the saxophone from Goodwill and taught myself to play from the internet. I couldn’t afford lessons.

3.       I love to dance my chronic pain away.

4.       I loved to visit the tropics as Caribbean Islands.

5.       I teach young children vital lessons.

6.       I enjoy cleaning the house.

7.       I enjoy advocating for brain injury.

8.       I learn brain injury facts.

9.       I learn Bible facts.

10.   I loved interstate driving listening o 1960’s dance Music.

11.   I cook from new recipes.

12.   I eat Italian food.

13.   I learned how to keyboard.

14.   I watch Lifetime movies with Mommie & bowl natural popcorn.

15.   I learn to speak Spanish

16.   I learn how to ballroom dance.

17.   I would like to go on another cruise.

18.   I can’t do it but would like to type 50 wpm using home row keys.

19.   I can balance my checkbook.

20.   I can sing a happy song.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

20 Interesting Facts about Will R.

1.       I am sometimes happy. I am glad to be alive and making progress.

2.       I am sometimes sad. At times, I feel that my progress is much to slow and severely affected by no memory.

3.       I search always to find the man I am. He is still inside of me.

4.       I love my daughter. She will always be the best part of me.

5.       I worship God. God keeps me in a secure place. He has never left me alone.

6.       I want to ride a bike to the top of a big hill much like Penn Street Hill when I was a young man. I would love to ride down like we used to do, jutting on the brakes as we neared the bottom and skidding until we stopped just before running into Peoples Baptist Church.

7.       Some people think that I am distant. I have some “issues” since I woke up. This is probably because I am no sure at times how accurate my memories of people are

8.       I’m glad to be in relatively good health. I am not 31, or 41, or 51 anymore, but I have a good measure of Spiritual and Physical health.

9.       I’ve had a good life. Considering all that has occurred in these last years when I look around. I have a lot to be thankful for, I am blessed. What I miss the most I do not fully remember. I think that I punish myself for having resided as a small, faded part of my memory and no loving, zealous part of my current life.

10.   I try to think positive it feels a lot better to me than thinking negatively.

11.   I wish that I could sing like my friend Luther Vandross used to sing.

12.   It is a good feeling to laugh loudly until tears roll down my face.

13.   I want to continually learn more about the world around me, what is good and honest and kind.

14.   Children are to me more valuable to me. I want to be a part that helps them strive to be more. I want to be to them as the man who taught me what taxidermy was years ago when I was a child.

15.   Simple things such as driving are pleasurable to me. It gives me a great measure of freedom.

16.   Technology and science has come a long way since my mother and father have passed on. It is good to know that more people are living now with their illnesses.

17.   I am enjoying the fall weather. The opportunity to take pictures of fall foliage with my friend Richard J. is great.

18.   Seeing others makes me thankful that I am getting better. Some are progressing very fast while others are moving very slowly. The fact is that we are all moving at our own pace.

19.   I have a new 7 month old kitten named, Sherbert”. He ran all around my condo last night playing with a catnip filled mouse. He kept me awake but he is my new “friend”.

20.   I’m getting to the point where I am not afraid to cook on the stove again. Ahh, smoked something coming up!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Members Accomplishments - Triena B.

By Geoffrey B.
Triena B. left The Denbigh House in April 2014 and went to a place called Woodrow Wilson.  Woodrow Wilson was like a college but in all it was a Rehab Center.  Triena lived in a dorm and had 3 roommates.  Her major was in business.  She did Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point and Publisher.  During the she was at Woodrow Wilson, she got a part-time job on campus and joined the bowling team.  She did bowling 3 day a week, started with a score of a 68 and finished with a score of 140 and loved every minute of it!  Another thing that she did, she volunteered with the Red Cross.  She was the Administrative Assistant.  Triena's job was to answer the phones and make flyers.  Any disaster related problems, it had to report it to her first.  Now after her were over at Woodrow Wilson and It was not graduation time, so she won't go into a coma, she stayed with the Red Cross helping out here and there.  As time went by, it was time for her to graduate.  Now Triena is back to The Denbigh House and she got her self a new job.  It started Monday, November the 17th, 2014.  The place is a store called IBEX Global.  She will be a In-bound Customer Center.  She will be doing what she does here at The Denbigh House, answering the phones.  Give a big cheer for Triena and her accomplishments. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Know a Member: 20 Interesting Facts about Ginger B.

        1. I'm generous, kind, and loving.
        2. I like to meet new people, help people, learn new things, and help people in need; however, I am in the process of learning to put myself first.
        3. I now have my own place to live.
        4. I have worked hard on being an independent person and I have been able to become very independent, regardless of those which were Naysayers.
        5. I was a cheerleading coach for over 13 years, my team’s one regionals, State, and national championships. I also turned out 20 all American Cheerleaders.
        6. I love animals immensely. I love training them, loving them, and seeing them progress.
        7. I was a national championship twirler in many assets of the majorette world.
        8. I love to advocate for people with brain injuries and I have no problem speaking in public for causes.
        9. I just received the go ahead to drive by my neuropsychologist and my neurologist,
        10. I have been coming to The Denbigh House and it has truly improved my skills in many ways.
        11. I have met so many friends at The Denbigh House.
        12. I love to make people laugh and encourage them things for them and we would do cheerleading stunts and cheers for them.
        13. My relationship with my father has improved drastically.
        14. I am getting out more and meeting new friends.
        15. I love to dance.
        16. I love to sing.
        17. I was baptized this year and I love being a Christian.
        18. I think of myself as a survivor and not a victim.
        19. I have three daughters and eight grandchildren.
        20. My motto is: to live life like there is no tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Farewell to Alex Watson

By: Barry F.


     Due to the staff turnover at the Denbigh House our program coordinator Alex Watson will be leaving the Denbigh House.  I for one am very sorry to see her go but she had to transition to a new position nearer to her location of residence. 

     The things I will miss the most about her are her work ethic and her realistic approach to counseling.  She was always able to get you to see the pros and cons of any situation.  Also, she would always encourage you to try doing things on your own.  Alex has opened a whole new world of independence for me.  I would like to thank her for her help in the good times and the bad.

     My final wish is that she always finds happiness in all that she encounters.  I will offer my heartfelt thanks as she travels a new path toward her dreams.

Good by to Alex and hello to Jessica and Nickesha

The Denbigh House will be going through a transition in the coming weeks due to the fact that our beloved leader, Alex W, will be leaving her position as Program Director to fill another position that is actually closer to home. It is on the South Side and she has named Jessica D. as her replacement as Program Director.

   The members here at The Denbigh House are all sad to hear of her departure but, none the less, are pleased to hear that the position of Program Director of The Denbigh House will be filled by a well known and loved member of our present staff.

  Jessica’s position as leader of the Advocacy and Outreach Unit and intake coordinator will be filled by Nickesha, who is also well known and loved by all of the Denbigh House Members.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We honor our Veterans

We wanted to recognize and appreciate all the Veterans today - We should all remember the work that Veterans have done and continue to do that make our country safe & secure.  We honor the sacrifices they have made for our own security.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Know a member; 20 things about Sandy B.

  1. I am a single mom.
  2. I work as bus aide for kids with special needs.
  3. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
  4. I am a member of the Daughters of the King which is a women's prayer and church group.
  5. I am an usher at my church.
  6. I work with the International Order of Rainbow Girls and Boy Scouts.
  7. I enjoy helping others.
  8. I have a very easy going and outgoing personality and attitude.
  9. I enjoy doing arts and crafts.
  10. I am the only member at the Denbigh House with the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.
  11. My dad served in the Marine Corps for 24 years and was one of the Chosen Frozen, during the Korean war.
  12. My mom was in the Army Nurse Corp for 4 years.
  13. My son is in the 10th grade. My daughter is in the 11th grade.
  14. I went into labor with my daughter at McDonalds while working as a cashier. I was taking a big breakfast order when my water broke.
  15. I was in a lockdown at McDonalds because of a bank robbery.
  16. I am very flexible in my time. work, and such.
  17. I love to travel and see new things.
  18. I have a dog named Buttercup.
  19. When I was in 11th grade, I received a certificate from the math honor society and made citizen of the month award.
  20. I enjoy learning new things.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Checking The Candy!

By  Geoffrey B.

To all parents, disability or not! Tonight is Halloween! The parents and the kids are going to dress up and go out and get the wonderful lovely candy.  Parents your job is to check the candy before the kids dig to the wonderful candy! For the tips about checking the candy go to that link. Thank you and Happy Halloween! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Know a Member: 20 Interesting Facts about Korey s.

  1. I have never left the continent United States.
  2. I am a proud father of a year old daughter.
  3. I am currently attempting college for the second time. I went to North Carolina A&T after high school graduation in 1995.
  4. I graduated from Bethel High School in Hampton, Virginia. DSC02118.JPG
  5. I used to have a extreme fear of flying and riding roller coaster until I actually did both.
  6. I love football, basketball, and boxing.
  7. I coached little league football for several years and may rejoin in the right opportunity presents itself.
  8. My favorite food is authentic Philadelphia Cheese Steaks,
  9. My TBI was caused by Congestive Heart Failure that I suffered from on August 29, 2007.
  10. I am the middle child and have an older brother and younger sister.
  11. My heart problems started in 2007 when I was living in Jonesboro, GA. (Atlanta suburb)
  12. My dream vacation is a Caribbean cruise.
  13. The last time I visited New York City, the original World Trade Center towers were still up and I can’t wait to go back and see the Freedom Tower.
  14. I am a true fan of Hip Hop, R&B, and dancehall reggae, and music but I like some rock & roll, and some jazz.
  15. I still think of myself as average in height but at 6 foot 3, I am taller than the average man.
  16. I am very much looking forward to regaining my Driver’s License.
  17. My favorite card game is Spades.
  18. I am generally calm and can get along with everyone who wants to get along with me.
  19. My birthday is September 22, but my due day was September 19 and my mom will never let me forget it.
  20. I want to be an example for T.B.I. survivors and show them that they still can achieve their goals and live the life that they want.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Welcome a New Denbigh House Member



Today, October 28, 2014, we welcomed a new member, Kathryn Legg to our program.  She is 28 years old from Harrisonburg VA.  She used to work at Walmart before she had a car accident.  She likes arts & crafts. Some of her favorites include the color blue and she likes to eat pork chops.  She is a Redskins fan and she likes to listen to R&B and Hip-Hop music.  She said her mother inspires/motivates her the most.  She wants to stay involved in various craft work.  She joined The Denbigh House to make new friends and felt she could relate better to people.  Since the injury, she’s had to make a whole lot of new friends.  Please help us welcome Katheryn.